Fast and Friendly Food

31 July 2023

Happy last day of July! Whew! The weather is nicer now, but we had a bunch of really hot days! Whether or not you believe climate change is caused by us (and I do), it's pretty clear that turning the AC up to high is not going to solve the situation.

In the summer, I often use the barbecue, because I don't want to heat up the oven (and my kitchen), but lately it's been too hot for even that.

One thing we can do as individuals is to choose foods with a lower “foodprint”, foods that are friendly to our health and for the planet.  Be mindful about the amount of water your food demands, the greenhouse gases it creates, and the toxic inputs it requires (I'm looking at you, glyphosate-treated wheat!). That's one reason I use a lot of chickpeas…plus they're so versatile and delicious.

Hot summer nights lead me to sandwiches and salads, plus things that only require a microwave. It's a great time to make a few delicious salad dressings and sauces to keep in your fridge and enhance a “bowl” of fresh veggies, fruits, grains and/or legumes (if you missed my last class at DIG Farm, check out my “Beautiful Bowls” e-book).

Sometimes we take shortcuts. On any given day, 50 million Americans consume fast food. Most is full of fat and sodium, generally devoid of nutrients and fiber, and the result of agricultural practices that are destroying the planet. food can also be nourishing and sustainable – you just need a little DIY!  Come to my August 12 class to learn some of my favorite healthy shortcuts and a magical no-cook complete vegan dinner recipe that takes less than 15 minutes to prepare.

There are loads of low- or no-cook recipes out there. Try cold sandwich fillings, quick-cooking rice noodles or using your waffle iron in creative ways!


Here are a few of my favorite websites and recipes for quick and easy meals:

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